One BAT volunteer who chipped in on our recent wood chip project was Chris Nybo, a second-grade teacher in Ventura, California! Huh? How did Chris get to be a member of the Bayfield Area Trails wheel barrow brigade? Originally from Red Wing, Minnesota, and later Duluth and the North Shore, Chris is a kayaker and a skier, and has been familiar with the Bayfield area for a long time. When he bought property here in 2005, he became a regular visitor during summer vacations from school.
“Now I’m just a part-timer in Bayfield,” Chris said, “and living and working mostly in California. But I look forward to when I can be much more than a part-time observer, and support the good stuff that’s already been happening.”
Wow! We agree with everything you said, Chris! And we especially look forward to when you’re more than a part-timer in Bayfield—ready to spread chips with another wheelbarrow brigade!!
The Brownstone Trail took several hits during our major rain event on June 18-19th between Blue Wing Bay Road and the Box Steps beside Wild Rice Retreat. Shortly after the storm, Sean Reagan used his tractor and front-end loader for a great initial repair to the washed-out gullies on the steep slope that meets with Blue Wing Bay Road. Next a group of us got together to plan further repairs and water diversions for this section of trail to lower the risk of future washouts.
Mark was especially helpful and provided his ATV and trailer to haul water and equipment, so that we could better compact the gravel we had re-shaped. We built nine gradual angled diversions and filled in gullies with scavenged gravel.
Chris Nybo, who had biked to the work site, gave the diversions his mountain bike seal of approval! By the box steps, we raked displaced gravel and weeded. We worked efficiently in a couple of teams, and what we budgeted for two mornings only required one, so Saturday became a play day. The trail is looking more resilient to precipitation events. We’ll see how the area fares in the next big storm or spring runoff. Thanks, all you great volunteers!
Standard work days will be scheduled on Friday & Saturday mornings, 9 am to noon, during the 1st, 3rd, and 5th weeks of each month:
More details on project locations & tasks will come soon; and will be posted the Monday prior via Facebook and Instagram. Come out and lend a hand!
Blog | Bayfield Area TrailsArchives
January 2025