Based upon the lessons learned in 2022, Bayfield Area Trails will expand the Adopt-a-Trail program in 2023. Keep your eyes peeled to sign up next spring.
An enthusiastic group of Northland College students recently spent a day doing service work on the new Pikes Creek Trail as part of their August Welcome Experience to the Chequamegon Bay area.
The recent work was done on the half-mile long “B” segment of the Pikes Creek Trail. The “C” segment starts at the Fish Hatchery, and the “A” segment connects to the Jolly Loop.
The students were from all over including Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, central and southern Wisconsin, and the Twin Cities area. Several students planned to major in outdoor education; others were studying biology and natural resources. Welcome, all, to the Chequamegon Bay Area! And thanks for your work on the Bayfield Area Trails!
Thanks to sponsorship from the Town of Bayfield and approval from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Bayfield Area Trails is moving forward with the development of the new “Pikes Creek to Ashwabay Trail” that will connect from the Les Voigt Fish Hatchery on Highway 13 south of Bayfield to the Jolly Long Loop of the Mt. Ashwabay trails network.
The trail is designed for foot and snowshoe use; because of the special protections in the DNR’s Pikes Creek Management Area, no motorized or bicycle use will be allowed.
Steve Vizanko of Bayfield Nordic sees this as a positive addition to the area’s trails. “Adding this as a snowshoe trail will create a great opportunity, as well as alleviate some existing conflicts between snowshoers and nordic skiers. Plus, the views from the plateau in winter time will be fantastic.”
Work was launched on August 30 – 31. We will soon reach out via email to recruit and schedule volunteers to work on Segment C. If you are not on the BATs email list and you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here.
The Bayfield Area Trails Committee is also especially grateful for the support from the Town of Bayfield Board, Clerk and Treasurer; without them, this project would not have been possible.
Blog | Bayfield Area TrailsArchives
August 2024